About Us
Gisèla Monnier (manager) is the guiding force behind our company. Together with an experienced team of maternity nurses, we will give you the personal and professional maternity care that meets your needs with respect to your customs and/or beliefs.
We are located at President Kennedylaan 19 in The Hague, where you can visit us during office hours, but please call in advance for an appointment.
We are happy to help you with additional questions or telephone registration. Call us at 088-795 00 00, or email us for more information info@kraamzorghetzonnetje.nl.
Become a customer by registering here, so that you are guaranteed to our care.

President Kennedylaan 19
2517 JK Den Haag
Business Address:
Westvlietweg 55
2491 ED Den Haag
088-795 00 00 (local rate)
– option 1: administration and general (09.00 tot 17.30)
– option 2: delivery’s and emergencies (24/7 availability)
Email: info@kraamzorghetzonnetje.nl
Website: www.kraamzorghetzonnetje.nl
Privacy and disclaimer
Kraamzorg Het Zonnetje only uses the data and identity of visitors to our website to respond to your request, to offer maternity care to those who register, to provide information and offers. Kraamzorg Het Zonnetje will handle your data with due care and according to the law.
Kraamzorg Het Zonnetje does not accept any liability for direct and/or indirect damage caused by the content of the information (whether offered by third parties) on the website of Kraamzorg Het Zonnetje.
The website of Kraamzorg Het Zonnetje contains various links to other websites and/or partnerships. These are obviously chosen with care, but Kraamzorg Het Zonnetje does not bear any responsibility for the information and/or business doing by these organizations.